MVPA recent survey1 of Canadian membership associations showed that only one third of chief executives were confident that all of their directors could clearly articulate the association’s Member Value Proposition (MVP).
From a strategic perspective this is a problem! If your leaders can’t state your MVP, how can they be effective ambassadors for membership?
Be aware, your MVP is not a laundry list of member services. It is a statement that describes the pain or desire that the organization solves for its members – in language that speaks from the perspective of the member. It helps to define the value of the association in terms of how it addresses member needs.
Here’s an example of the difference between the typical list of services you see on an association’s website and a member value proposition statement.
This is a list of services for Association XYZ.
“Association XYX provides these member benefits:

  • Training and certification for the CRE designation
  • Networking at regional events and the national conference
  • Advocacy at Queen’s Park”

In this list of services, the association is speaking from its own perspective; “This is what we do. Aren’t we awesome”.
In contrast, this is an MVP statement:
“Membership in Association XYZ gives you:

  • Training and certification to increase your skills, confidence, professional credentials and compensation.
  • Networking and support to increase your connections and achieve your career goals.
  • Employer relations advocacy to help your employer recognize the value and worth of your professional role on the team.”

In the MVP statement the services are articulated in terms of why those services matter to the member.
A clearly articulated MVP allows the board and the management team to prioritize strategic objectives and move the association forward in ways that resonate with members and stakeholders. Find out more about your MVP.
A strong MVP is also one of the 8 elements of the High Performance Membership OrganizationTM.
Contact us for a copy of the survey results (

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